
Indian Police Are The Coolest, These 10 Pictures Prove That

Indian PoliceRef


Indian police department is one of the best in the world when they are dedicated to solve a case. However, there are many flaws that people point out in the police. Somehow, these flaws seem cool. Hence, today we have brought you 10 pictures that show the Indian police department is the coolest.


1. No Shoes But Still On The Service

Indian Police

This police officer is without the shoes and still on the service. “Lo acche din aa gaye”. By the way, do not focus on the body.


2. They Know All The Jugaads

Indian Police

They always find the jugaad even if it is about talking on phone while driving.


3. Tough Competition For Dancers

Indian Police

Sometimes they show their dancing skills. Undoubtedly, they are no strangers to the talent.


4. Moon Walk

Indian Police

Speaking of dancing, the moon walking skills of this cop can give a tough competition to the legendary dancers.


5. Can Feel Relax At Anywhere

Indian Police

They can adapt to any situation. I wonder how that would work out if we give them automatic weapons.


6. It Is Hard To Escape From Them

Indian Police

“Kanoon ke haath (Dande) bade lambe hote hai. No matter how far you are, they will always reach you with their desi weapons.


7. They Can Shoot The Criminals To Death Even With A Toy Gun

Indian Police

Probably they are huge fans of the South Indian movies. They can use toys to put down the criminals.


8. Let’s Tear Some Posters

Indian Police

They have great coordination with their comrades. The ultimate teamwork can be seen in the picture. Undoubtedly Indian police is the most bad-ass one in the world.


9. Respect To The Seniors

Indian Police

They respect their seniors more than they do their family. You can see it in the picture, respect is something that helps them grow in the department.


10. Criminals Do Not Stand A Chance Against Indian Police

Indian Police

Undoubtedly, the criminals do not stand a chance against them. Probably, in the samosa or burger eating contests.

These pictures show only one side of the Indian Police. On the other side there are many police officers who are inspirational. Few days back, news of humble policeman got viral when he was joining hands in front of two wheeler. Do you know about Sachin Atulkar ? He is the fittest IPS Officer and even Bollywood stars feel jealous after looking at him. Satirical Illustrations of polices around the world will defintely make you feel to praise the artist.

For more funny images, these 13 Funny Pakistani Pictures That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud.


Ravi Dabas
the authorRavi Dabas
A literature student, horror movies lover, laconic speaker, a Muay Thai practitioner, full-time hustler and part-time writer and poet.