
US Based Company To Resume Search Operation For MH370


Malaysian government has approved a new attempt to find the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 that was disappeared on 8 March 2014 while flying from Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Malaysia, to its destination, Beijing Capital International Airport in China.

The aircraft disappeared from air traffic controllers’ radar screens and also left the range of Malaysian military radar. It was carrying 12 Malaysian crew members and 227 passengers from 15 nations.

With the loss of all 239 people on board, Flight 370 is the second deadliest incident in Malaysia Airlines’ history.  In January 2017, search for MH370 was discontinued.


Last year on January 17, the governments of Malaysia, China and Australia called off the 1,046-day official search which was the most expensive aviation search in history.  At an estimated cost of around £120m, the search operation covered 46,332 sq miles before it was suspended after 1,046 days.

Even though several pieces of aircraft debris have been recovered, the passenger jet’s final resting place still remains a mystery.


Now a US-based company called Ocean Infinity gave a new hope to all the families of passengers saying that it will continue the search on a “no find, no fee” basis, sailing from Durban in South Africa.

According to an email sent from the MH Family Support Centre, it is said that Malaysian government had accepted an offer by the company, Ocean Infinity, to resume the search on a “no cure, no fee” basis, meaning the company will only get paid if they find the plane.

As part of the Ocean Infinity company’s plan to look for debris in the southern Indian Ocean, the search vessel named Seabed Constructor left the South African port of Durban on Tuesday. The ship has unmanned submarines that can descend deep into the ocean.

Ocean Infinity was taking advantage of favorable weather to move the vessel toward “the vicinity of the possible search zone,” the company said in a statement.


Let’s hope that company will come with some positive news before all of us. This story of Andes Flight disaster survival is emotional.

Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.