
The Inspiring Journey Of 17-Year-Old Naina – The Youngest Transgender To Come Out In India

The Inspiring Journey Of 17-Year-Old Naina - The Youngest Transgender To Come Out In IndiaThe Inspiring Journey Of 17-Year-Old Naina - The Youngest Transgender To Come Out In India


Teenage is a tough time.

A time of drastic physical and emotional changes while having absolutely no clue about what the hell is going on. 

Here was a self aware young girl going through a significant transformation in a society with rigid social norms, yet had a tremendous amount of conviction and zest while doing so. 



17-year-old Naina, India's youngest transgender who had the clarity of thoughts and conviction to commit to her new identity right from the beginning. 



Even growing up as a boy named Krishna, Makeup is something she was always drawn towards. Naina always liked women’s clothing over men's and preferred hanging with the girls at family functions instead of the boys.



Krishna’s mother Mishi, was initially taken aback by her son’s desire to dress differently, as most parents would do in a society with rigid social constructs around gender and sexuality.



Their relationship was tested at several points in the past few years, none more so than when Naina gave her mother an ultimatum of leaving the house if not allowed to dress the way she wanted. In time, Mishi respected her child’s choices, and in class X, with her mothers unconditional love and support, Krishna came out to the world in her school assembly as Naina.  



Despite all of what she has to deal with, Naina is just a regular teenager!

Meet Naina, India's youngest transgender woman






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Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.

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