
Reasons Why Death Sentence Execution Take Place Early In The Morning

Reasons Why Death Sentence At Morningvia

Every country has its own laws and regulations for the culprits. Indian court executes death sentence cases early in the morning. Of course, some culprits escape from punishments. If a person commits the most heinous act, then only an Indian court punishes that person with a death sentence. If you observe, last time the Supreme Court of India executed Mohammad Ajmal Amir Kasab’s death sentence in November 2012 at 7:30 AM. Now, it was Nirbhaya’s culprits who hanged on March 20, 2020, at morning 5:30 AM. There are different punishments given to rapists in different countries in the World. In India, the biggest punishment is hanged to death. Have you ever wondered why “hanging till death” is always fixed at a time early in the morning? Here are the 4 reasons behind it.


1. Legal Reasons

Death Sentence

We all know that the process of execution is followed inside the jail premises after following the Prison manual.

According to ‘Model prison manual for the superintendence and management of prisons in India’, “The execution shall take place early in the morning before it gets bright. The latest time of the day for different seasons will be in accordance with orders passed separately by the Government.”


2. Administrative Reasons

Death Sentence

Hanging follows a lot of procedures like medical examination (conforming death), entries in various registers, notes, and approval, handing over the dead body to the inmate’s family. All these have to be performed by jail authorities. To make sure that the chores of the rest of the day remain unaffected, they do it early in the morning so that it gives enough time to authorities.


3. Ethical Reasons

Death Sentence

Early morning timings are the stress-free timings. Death pain gives immense agony and stress to any person. So, to keep the mental torture minimum, execution is done first thing in the morning. The second reason is by executing a person in the morning, Indian law gives enough time to the family of the inmate to take his body to his native place to prepare for his last rituals.


4. Social Reasons

Death Sentence

There are lots of people especially some youth stand for a bad cause and support their leader who performs atrocities on women and performs atrocious activities. And so, they will bring serious repercussions on the social environment.  A lot of news channels to wait outside to break out any news. So, to avoid any political upheaval or social outcry, it is done before society even wakes up.

However, there is no particular law prescribing early morning hangs. The freedom fighters who were enclosed in the British jails were also hung during the night or before sunrise so that people may not get any clue about it. So, it’s more of a tradition than a hard and fast rule.

Sometimes innocent people get punished, sometimes real culprits escape from the law. Hundreds of the culprit may get safe, but no innocent should be punished.

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Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.