
Want Your Content To Go Viral? Follow These 9 Steps, It Will Help You

Viral ContentViral Content

How many times do we see that our content doesn’t get viral? Well, who doesn’t like if their content goes viral online? Everyone likes because it helps in building their brand authority. Here are 9 tips to make your content go viral.


1. Pay Attention To Current Trends


Always be up to date. To make your content go viral, focus on current trends on Google, Twitter and all over the social media. Check Google News section and Google Trends. Pay attention to trending keywords and hashtags on Twitter trends.


2. Visual Content Rocks Always


People love images, videos, podcasts more rather than plain text. Youtube, Instagram are great examples of it. People share images, videos more on their social media accounts.


3. Never Stuff Keywords Unnecessarily


Never stuff keywords in your content. Most of the people write content around keywords instead of concentrating on the essence. By stuffing keywords unnecessarily for SEO, Google penalizes your site. Include keywords where they are required and it should come with the flow. Also, make sure the article is free from errors.


4. Make Relationships With Big Influencers


When an influencer in your network shares your content, it goes viral. As they already have massive number of followers. To get noticed, comment on their posts, share their posts and if you notice that there is something missing in their posts, mail them. It’s all win-win approach. If you want them to share your content, first share other content and make sure they know it.


5. Launch A Contest


To engage your audience and also to attract potential readers, offer something to your readers like giveaways. It helps in getting more followers on your social media.


6. Use Your Great Sense Of Humor


Well, no one likes to read boring content. Instill curiosity in your writing. Use hilarious tone whenever possible.


7. Write Controversial Topics


Controversial topics always go viral in the social media. People naturally share your content with their friends if they see some strong emotion You need to be ready to face some negative harsh comments too.


8. Submit Your Content To Reddit


There are lots of communities in Reddit. Submit your content in related groups to get more visibility. If you can get on the front page of Reddit, you could get thousands upon thousands of views.


9. Don’t Re-write The Same Old Stuff


No one likes to read the same old stuff again and again. Come up with new topics. Even if you take the old stuff, make sure you include new things, statistics, and facts.

Do you have some other tips that are not mentioned here? Share us in the comments.

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Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.

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