
How A Woman Changed This Punjab Village And Won A National Award Amazes You

Punjab VillagePunjab Village



May be this is called Naari shakthi. After reading this, you too will feel the same.

The 39-year-old Sukhvir Kaur from Punjab who has a Masters degree in English changed the village Doburji which is 35km from Ludhiana after she has been elected as Sarpanch.

The village which has a population of just 1,450 is fighting actively against social evils such as drug intake and female foeticide and much more. Not only she changed these but also made so many technological advances.


Today the village has clean ponds, concrete roads, sports solar lights and what’s not. Perhaps that’s why the village has been endowed with Panchayat Sashaktikaran Puraskar, a national award that recognizes work done by Panchayats across the country.


Pritam Singh, a local resident, said, “Look at streets of the village. You will not get to see garbage anywhere in the village. That’s why we have earned the award.”

Some of the campaigns like ‘Save the Girl Child’ were implemented with great success. She also ensured that medical camps were organized on a regular basis.


With the money raised from NRIs from the village, they are planning to buy an ambulance, install water purifiers in every household.

Day before we have read the story of yet another lady of Punjab winning the 100m sprint race at age of 101 in Auckland New Zealand.

Really, a living great personality. What do you think? Share us in the comments.

Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.

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