
Things That Indians Should Learn From Japan And Follow


21. Tokyo Train Company Tsukuba Express Apologized For 20-Second-Early Departure


Indian parents should teach their children to accept their mistakes if they really do. But they won’t. Throw blame on others and enjoy.


22. Japanese Innovative Parking Lots


Japan also faces a parking problem with a 30 million population. But they solved it by creating some parking lots especially in malls which are arranged in stairs.


23. Technical Umbrellas


Umbrellas in Japan will have a plastic cover at the end of holdings that covers the complete body without wetting. Even though normal umbrellas are found in the market Japanese prefer these types of umbrellas.


24. Dating In Japan Is Different


Dating in America is quite common but dating rules in Japan are very strict for girls and they can’t communicate with many boys.


25. Japanese Trains Have Designated Smoking Rooms


I seriously feel this should be followed in India too.

Any change is possible if the Indian constitution is changed a bit. In the present scenario, Indians are not afraid of punishments. In other countries, there are strict punishments for every small bad act.

The irony is the same Indians when they settle in abroad follow discipline. But when they come back to India, they again make roads dirty.

People blame society but they forget that they are the society.

What do you say? Which point would you like to see in India? Share us in the comments. Well, you will be equally amazed at Japanese shocking school rules. Read here.

Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.