
Only An Introvert Knows How It Feels. Are You An Introvert?




Introverts are like normal people, there is nothing special about what they do or how they do it. They get exhausted by excessive socializing and need alone time to recharge. A lot of introverts love spending time with people, just not too much at once.

They do not care about social judgment. They are the ones who are not going to reach out to the stranger sitting at a coffee table, or try to make friends in a group at all.

Here is how introverts feel in different situations.

1. Crowd participation is the worst thing that can happen, anywhere, ever.



2. When you meet new people and they try to greet you



3. You hate too much of socializing



4. When you try to say anything in a group of extroverts



5. When someone invites you out on Friday night



6. When you show up to a party by yourself and see a familiar face



7. When you have friends over



8. When you're not prepared to answer a phone call



9.  Enjoy silence in being alone all the time



10. Read a book sitting continuously for hours



But of course, no one can determine if you are a pure extrovert or pure introvert or any other new terminology they come up with. Because at the end of the day, you should do what you want to.

What do you say? If you feel we missed any other situation, please share us in the comments.

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Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.

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