
Incredible Video Of People Showing Respect To Indian Soldiers

Indian SoldiersIndian Soldiers

Today, we are safely living in our homes is because of our soldiers who are protecting our country every single second.

What can we give to those who sacrificed their happiness and also so many sleep less nights just to ensure that we are all safe?

Apart from showing gratitude and appreciation, we can’t repay them on the same level. Isn’t it?

Indian SoldiersRef:

Yes, this is what the people at Indira Gandhi International Airport did when they saw some soldiers. They clapped and congratulated all the soldiers. We usually see that in US and UK but now it happened in India too.

After watching this video, you will be proud to see that our country is changing.

PM Narendra Modi also appealed this from nation sometime before that whenever you see any Indian Soldiers salute them and clap for them and applying his words shows the respect people have for Prime Minister. Here is the message from him.

Really amazing, isn’t it? A big salute to brave heartssmiley

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Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.

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