
20 Unknown Heroes Of India Who Devoted Their Lives For A Cause

Unknown Heroesvia

6. Pravin Tulpule – On A Mission To Bring A Smile On The Face Of Children Suffering From Deathly Diseases


Pravin Tulpule, after serving in the Indian Navy for 17 years, decided to serve children in the hope to bring a smile to the face of a child who was suffering from deathly diseases. An ex-officer of the Indian Navy, aka Pintoo – the clown magician shows a magic trick and kids become filled with wonder. He makes a funny face and kids roll on the floor laughing. He makes them laugh, distributes toys or makes hilarious shapes from balloons simply to make the children happy.

Pravin gives the best shows at the pediatric wards of different hospitals where there are children battling various diseases including cancer. He also conducted numerous hygiene-related campaigns in schools, especially focusing on the importance of washing hands which he conveyed through magic tricks. Apart from that, Pravin is a regular donor.

His philosophy – “life is too short to brood or be rude. Be happy”.


7. Swapnil Tewari – Organization For The Betterment Of Tribal Communities


In 2011, he started a company called “Naked Colours” to support the struggling endangered tribal artisans of India. The organization gives 1/3rd of the total profits made on each painting to artisans, 1/3rd to a school for underserved orphans and children with special abilities. Only 1/3rd was used by him to sustain the company.

Swapnil has rescued troubled families, befriended Naxalites, given a marketing platform to endangered artisans, and brought people from the brink of suicide and much more. He has also begun an organization that focuses on women’s safety – the Pink Whistle Project.


8. Chewang Norphel – The Ice Man Of India


Chewang Norphel who is a civil engineer by profession has created 10 glaciers in Ladakh to help deal with water scarcity in the region. In 1966, he was given the task to build schools, canals, roads, bridges, etc. in a remote district of Ladakh. He trained a number of villagers for this task due to lack of skilled labor in this remote area. However, when he visited the district years later, he found that the villagers he had trained became proper laborers.


9. Kamala Lochan Baliarsingh – Despite Extreme Poverty, He Feeds Stray Dogs


The days have turned to such a stage that people are not even bothering the fellow human beings. Some people do pamper pets, but, no one bothers stray dogs. However, a 60-year-old man from Bhubaneshwar feeds stray dogs despite extreme poverty. Even though he sleeps hungry most of the days, he feeds stray dogs on the roads every day without fail.

Even if he doesn’t get to eat a food all day, he makes sure that the dogs around him are well-fed. For the past 10 years, he has been feeding these stray dogs. And yeah, he does not take charity and he survives with his selflessness.


10. Kalyanasundaram – Man Of The Millennium


People look for several ways to save money and to double the money. They won’t even bother about other lives. And the world is not full of such selfish people who only think to fill their belly. There are selfless people like Kalyanasundaram who first think of others. I should say he is the man of the millennium. Born at Melakarivelamkulam in Tamil Nadu, this unmarried 70-year-old librarian has donated every penny of his earnings towards charity. He did part-time jobs to earn some extra money to survive. The mind-blowing thing is he even donated his pension of Rs. 10 Lakhs and an award of a whopping Rs. 30 Crores also to charity. For the past 30 years, he has been donating all his money to charity and has no misgivings.

Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.