
10 Ways To Plan The Perfect Picnic – Life Hacks



1. Plan Ahead


Last minute plans are fun and often more cooler that pre-planned trips but sometimes it might not happen or it may suck, so plan ahead and make a list of things you need and the people you’re going out with.


2. Make a list


Lists are very effective and they help you keep in track if you have a bad memory or you’re busy with too many things. A list wouldn’t take much time but coming back for something you forgot to take with you does.


3. Pack cleverly


Sort things before packing them. Do not just throw stuff into your bag, you will lose track of what you’ve packed and what you have not. Arrange them accordingly then after a quick check, pack them neatly!


4. Make sure others coming along will be able to make it that day


Another reason why you should plan ahead. Though many ditch well planned trips at times, plan and ask others ahead. And if you can’t go along with your friend on a trip, stop giving false hope till the last moment. Tell them right away!


5. Book tickets earlier


This ensures a safe journey. You can plan accordingly and make your moves and if a number of people are joining you, it’d be easier for them too!


6. Dress suitably


Wearing a suit while going on a picnic to a forest isn’t really comfortable. Dress accordingly.


7. Have back up options


Always have back up options. Have safety money with you and try not to spend it. If people don’t show up and only a few come, have alternative plans too!


8. Prepare enough food – Don’t waste though!

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It’d be awkward if you ran out of food while someone wants more of it but it isn’t good to waste food too. So cook and take just about enough food. Give away excess food (if any) to the needy BUT make sure they are untouched, they’re humans too!


9. Pack food accordingly


Make sure juices and stuff are packed well. One error and the whole bag gets messed up. Pack food accordingly and pack neatly.


10. Put your phone down!


Enjoy the trip and interact with people around. You can keep using your phone on every other day, so try to enjoy the trip as much as possible! It’s okay if it’s a boring one though. Yes, I’m talking about the forced family picnics.


Bon Voyage! 

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Vijay Alagar
the authorVijay Alagar
Young and Ambitious; Better at Videogames than at life. Works as a creative writer by day, Batman at night.

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