
How well is LGBT Community treated in India

NEW DELHI, INDIA - NOVEMBER 30: Indian members and supporters of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Community hold placards and dances during a Gay Pride Parade, on November 30, 2014 in New Delhi, India. Nearly a thousand gay rights activists marched to demand an end to discrimination against gays in India's deeply conservative society. (Photo by Arun Sharma/Hindustan Times via Getty Images)


Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) community has to face various social and legal issues in India. They are not looked upon too well by majority of people. However, people are slowly becoming more and more open towards the LGBT community specially in urban areas. Some of the issues faced by this community have been discussed hereafter.



1.It’s Illegal (Yet Again)

In a landmark judgement, the Delhi High court decriminalized homosexuality in 2009. However, the judgment didn’t go down too well with certain religious groups and hence was challenged. Finally, the Supreme Court of India recriminalized homosexuality in 2013 stating “It is not the court’s job to review the constitutionality of acts passed by Parliament.”

NEW DELHI, INDIA - DECEMBER 15: LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) activists protest against Supreme Court's judgement on Section 377 that upheld section 377 of the Indian Penal Code that criminalizes homosexuality at Jantar Mantar on December 15, 2013 in New Delhi, India. India's Supreme Court last week reversed a landmark 2009 lower court order that had decriminalized gay sex. (Photo by Mohd Zakir/Hindustan Times via Getty Images)




Homosexuals are at large considered to be ‘Sinners’. The majority considers them to be ‘Unnatural’. A certain section of our society has a belief that the people belonging to the LGBT community are sick and need treatment.




People belonging LGBT community are regularly harassed by religious fanatics and moral-police. There also has been reported cases of blackmail against them.




Straight friends can often be seen holding hands in public to showcase their friendship and bonding. At the same time, gays cannot afford this luxury, for the fear of possible violent reprisals. They are also made fun of and called names.



5.Forceful Marriages

Gays and Lesbians are often forced by their family members to give up their sexuality and marry to avoid nasty comments from the society. This is so common that a lot of gays/lesbians are married. It of course has its effects on their lives and psyche.




Transgender community is considered to be second class citizens and usually have to beg in order to survive. However, they are also considered to be touched by god and are invited to bless the newborns.



However, a section of our society, especially in urban areas has started to come to terms with the LGBT community. Things are slowly but gradually getting better for them. The events suggesting the same are:

  • Recognition of Third Sex.


  • Gay parades in various cities.


  • Presence of gay clubs in metropolitan cities


  • Appointment of first Transgender police officer.


  • ​Formation of India’s first Transgender Band.


  • Appointment of India’s first transgender college principal.


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