
The Worlds Most Coldest Village Hit Its Record Low Temperature! – Guess The Temperature

Villager and town freezing in the cold at Oymyakonvia

Oymyakon is a village located in Russia and it is the called the world’s coldest village. The name of the village and the condition there are oxymoronic, as the name means ‘unfrozen patch of water’ where in reality it is the coldest village where the lowest temperature recorded was -64 degrees.

Water condensing immediately Oymyakon

This village has about 500 permanent residents and is one of the coldest places to have quite a growing number of permanent residents withstanding the freezing cold year after year. This village has a dark 21 hour days every winter.

The temperature which was recently recorded was so low that it broke the thermometer. A source says, that the digital thermometer which was installed in late broke due to the extreme weather conditions. The cold in this place is no small affair.

Person walking in cold at Oymyakon

According to a local newspaper, the temperature at Oymyakon had gone up to -76 degrees approximately in the early times. The cold in this area is that level extreme that human eyelashes freeze. The diet of these people are mostly red meat, several types of fishes, liver of horses etc. crop cultivation cannot happen due to the extreme weather conditions.

A photojournalist who travelled from New York to Oymyakon said that he was wrecked just by walking around for a couple of hours. He had been surviving on reindeer soup. He also remarked that he was surprised to see people living their routine in this weather and a market that he had been to was happening even when the temperature was a negative 54, where his hands froze to terrible pain while capturing an image of the market.

There was also a picture of a ballerina who posed in the cold, nevertheless, the picture was as breathtaking as the weather conditions.

#полюсхолода 14.01.2018

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Предыдущее фото просто взорвало всё и вся😅 в прошлый раз такого не было, не думала, что так получится☺️ За день присоединилось человек 100, даже больше наверно😱 Наверно было бы неплохо представиться, ну как бы познакомиться что ли🙈 Хотя я это делать не особо то и умею, у меня даже шапки в профиле нет, а всё потому, что я не знаю что написать про себя🤷🏼‍♀️ •всем привет, я Настя🙋🏼 •Живу в Якутске •24 годика •работаю в свадебном салоне @fantazia_yakutsk #настявплатьях •иногда фоткаю котят #котосетнасти И как бы всё🤷🏼‍♀️ •Окончила универ и не работаю по профессии, ну это наверно вообще не новость в нашем мире правда? Есть кошка #kitnissgav и племянник #человек_по_имени_дима а ещё есть куча их фотографий🙈 Расскажите кому не лень, кто вы и от куда тут☺️ Ну и если что интересно спросите, отвечу❄️ P.s. Когда то летом писала немного фактов о себе, можете почитать тут👉🏻 #anastasiagav_

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Сегодня на Полюсе холода Оймяконе в 65-градусный мороз китайские туристы искупались в незамерзающем #источнике-ейемю! Так называется #родник чистой холодной #воды, незамерзающей даже в сильные морозы, у нас в Оймяконье. Ужаас. Мы, местные, даже на улицу боимся выходить в такой холод. А тут… #Туристы купаются… #якутиясахасирэ#якутск#полюсхолодаоймякон #оймяконскийрайон#природа#мороз#холод#родник#туризм

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This explains better why people say “ somethings are enjoyable only in measurable amounts” cause extremes are difficult to handle and live by. But in some places, winter is quite an enjoyable season where many activities can be done. Check out these amazing things to add to your bucket list when you go to Canada for winter.

Vijay Alagar
the authorVijay Alagar
Young and Ambitious; Better at Videogames than at life. Works as a creative writer by day, Batman at night.