
These Indian States Records High Crime Rates And Are Unsafe For Women

Unsafe states for women High crime ratesvia

Back in those days, women were respected as a mother. However, today most of the women stopped behaving in a way to get that respect. And that’s reflecting on the entire women community. When someone tries to say some good, today women are getting very angry. And they show it more when someone comments on their dressing. And our media and film industry is too worst that it gives more importance to expose female body parts rather than expressions.

Obviously, both men and women are learning from movies a lot. Today 99% of the movies and TV shows telecast so many things in public which must be done inside four walls between wife and husband. Our mind is made in such a way that it gets addicted to what we see and what we hear. If you listen to good things, your thoughts will be pure. And if you see awkward and vulnerable things, you will get only such thoughts. And youth always say that we are unable to control our thoughts.

The newly married couple must listen to devotional discourses and speak positively every day. So that the children come from them will also be so positive. Today most of them get married without knowing why are they getting married. Money has become the only criteria for marriage. Craving for physical intimacy has been increasing day by day among youth which includes both men and women. In this scenario, women have to take care of some things to protect themselves. One of the hyper rated question that most of the women ask is, why only women have to listen..say this to men. But who is becoming vulnerable?


One of the problems that are shaking India is crimes on women.

Nearly 926 crimes against women take place every day in India according to the official government data. Every politician vows that they will provide security to ‘sisters and daughters’ once they get the throne. But, in the end, it becomes just data. As elections are underway across the country, you will once again here such promises. A total of 38,947 rapes were reported in 2016, compared to 34,651 in 2015. National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB) rolled out the crime statistics for the year 2016 after that no data has been released. Both rural and urban places are becoming unsafe for women.  In 2016, a total of 338,000 incidents of crime against women were recorded.  In 2015, a total of 329,000 crimes against women was recorded. A total of 38,947 rapes were reported in 2016, compared to 34,651 in 2015.

Here are 10 states with high crime rates and most rape cases registered.


10. Telangana


In comparison to other states, Telangana is one state where women victim to crime more frequently. A total of 1278 rape cases registered in 2016. The capital of Telangana, Hyderabad is one of the most advanced cities in India. But it also falls in the list with cities where maximum rapes took place in 2016.


9. Chhatisgarh


With a total of 1626 rape cases registered in 2016, Chhatisgarh is among the states where rapes happen. Maximum cases surfaced in 2016 where a crime was committed against women by promising marriage to the victim.


8. Karnataka


With 1655 rape cases registered in 2016, Karnataka is one of the most unsafe states for young girls as there were a total of 735 victims of crime against women who were between the age of 16 and 18.


7. Kerala


Kerala which is considered to be one of the most prosperous states in India also falls in the list of unsafe states. A total of 1656 rape cases registered in 2016. In 2014, 2015 and 2016, Kerala witnessed 11451, 9767, 10034 crime against women respectively.

Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.