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This Mother’s Day Ad Touches Your Heart And Makes You To Plan Surprise For Your Mother

Mother’s DayMother’s Day



It’s definitely not our Indian culture to celebrate one day for Mother and one day for father who sacrifices everything for their children. Frankly speaking, will one day celebration be enough for mother who showers unconditional love and expects nothing in return?

In India, parents strive a lot for their child which is not seen in other countries. They struggle so hard to provide better education to their children; they won’t leave till their child gets settled in job and get married.

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Already, most of the people in India imbibed western culture right from dressing to partying culture. But a trend has been set several years ago to celebrate western festivals too.

I have seen several people where they have time to spend with their “so-called” friends and boy/girl friend. But they hardly find time to talk with their parents especially with mother. We have several worlds like friends, parties, job etc. but for mother, children are the only world.


Atleast on mother day, spend good time with her and make her happy. Reminding this, an advertisement which is based on Mother’s day (which falls on 14th may this year) is sending out the perfect and sweetest message.


The ad suggests that this Mother's Day, one should make it a point to spend the day with one's mother.

The video shows a young woman going about her daily morning routine when she suddenly realizes it's Mother's Day. See the video to know what happened next.

The ad has touched a chord with many on Facebook. Several people have commented on the video by tagging their mothers and making plans to meet up with them this Mother's Day. Many others have praised the video.


In Indonesian School there is a ritual of cleaning feet of Mother's show the respect for mother. I remember the quote “Love your parents. We are so busy growing up; we often forget that they are also getting old.” Even if you are far away from them due to your job, make atleast 15 minutes to talk with your mother every single day. Celebrate mother’s day everyday and give your mother more memories. In the old age, they crave for only love and give it tons and tons.

Do you?

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Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.

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