
Check Out The Greatest Car Commercials Of All Time

Car Commercialsvia

6. Singin’ In The Rain

In 2006, Volkswagen introduced the original Golf GTI, but updated. In doing so, they effectively remade Gene Kelly’s famous singing in the rain sketch from 1962, but with a new body-popping dance routine.  Finishing up his smooth moves, Gene eventually stops outside of parked up Golf GTI to bring an end to a well put-together commercial.


7. Robodance

We all love Transformers – whether it’s the toys or the movies or, in this case, the advert. Citroen released this ‘groovy’ commercial with a dancing Citroen C4 robocar in 2007 along with the slogan ‘alive with technology’. Next time you hear Jacques Your Body by Les Rythmes Digitales, why not try to bust the moves as well as a Citroen?


8. Piece Of Cake

In 2007, Skoda took advantage of our baking addiction when they created a life-size Skoda Fabia made entirely of cake. With the slogan ‘full of lovely stuff’, the manufacturer forked out £500,000 on the advertisement in a bid to give the brand a new lease of life. The scrumptious-looking cake, which featured 180 eggs, 100kg of flour, 100kg of caster sugar, 30kg of almonds and 65kg of dried fruit showcased the car’s attractive design in a bid to leave viewers’ mouths watering.


9. What The Cluck?

A very strange advert indeed, but one that sticks in the mind; once you’ve seen it, you can’t unsee it. Step forward the dancing chickens of Mercedes-Benz. The German manufacturers simply use chickens to illustrate ‘stability at all times’ and ‘magic body control’ with their smooth motions going in time with the backing track.

So, there you have it! Ten of the best automotive commercials to have graced our screens. With so many of the ads being remembered more than a decade on, it’s clear that effective advertising is crucial. What brand will produce the next memorable video to help them sell more cars?

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Praneet Samaiya
the authorPraneet Samaiya
Entrepreneur, Movie Critic, Film Trade Analyst, Cricket Analyst, Content Creator