
These Smartphone Apps Are Dangerous, Get Rid Of Them Immediately

Apps which can harm your phone via

18. Brightest LED Flashlight Pro

Dangerous Apps on your phone

Another fancy name for an app that does nothing other than switching on and off your phone’s flashlight.


19. Call Recording Manager

Dangerous Apps

High-Quality Call Recording, High Privacy, Automatic Recording was something that this app claimed on its app until it started hanging the phones that installed them.


20. Brightest Flashlight

Apps that can harm your phone

This app says that it has a humanized design. When you download it, you see a picture of a torch on your phone with a button that does nothing but switches on and switches off the flashlight of your phone.


21. Smart WiFi Free

Dangerous Apps on your Phone

Boost Your WiFi Connection, Get Speedy Internet blah blah this app does nothing other than acquiring space on your phone.


22. Dr. Clean Lite

Dangerous Apps on your phone

This app claims to clear cache, unused files etc and make extra space on your device. When you download this app, be ready for some random advertisements on your phone for nothing.

Beware about these apps you use for daily transactions which can affect you in a major way. Click here. 

Vijay Alagar
the authorVijay Alagar
Young and Ambitious; Better at Videogames than at life. Works as a creative writer by day, Batman at night.