
These Pictures That Shows Niagara Falls Turns Into An Icy Wonderland

Niagara Falls icevia

Nature is the true symbol for real beauty. It always surprises us with its beauty in every season. Niagara Falls has turned into a marvellous, winter wonderland at the moment.

Canadian side of Niagara Falls have become a world attraction in recent days as wind chills there fell to as low as minus 14 degrees.

Have a look at these 7 spectacular pictures to enjoy the breathtaking beauty of nature.

Rainbow dancing

Niagara beauty in cold winter

Winter wonderland

Its icy!

Frozen beauty

Its so magical

Isn’t it really exciting? What do you say? Share us in the comments.  By the way,  did you visit these amazing waterfalls?

Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.