
What Lemon Can Do Will Make You Surprise!



Lemon is rich in nutrients which gives numerous benefits to the body. It is rich in potassium, vitamin C, iron, B complex vitamins, fiber and magnesium. Let’s see what it can do


1. It is anti-carcinogenic that can lower the rate of breast cancer and colon cancer.

2. It lowers blood pressure and helps in balancing good cholesterol levels.

3. It acts as an instantaneous medicine for gastric problems.

4. Dry the lemon skin under sun and make it powder. Mix the powder with lukewarm water and apply it over the scalp. Wash hair after 15 minutes. Doing so for 15 days will reduce dandruff.

5. Lemon juice beats over all medicines in preventing dehydration.

6. Applying lemon over the face will help in tanning the skin.

7. The regular intake of lemon juice will decrease the acid levels in the body.

8.  Lemon is rich in providing healthy nervous system.

9. It always protects body from contagious diseases as it is packed with loads of vitamin C.

10. It acts as a room freshener. Sprinkle few drops of lemon oil on hand kerchief and inhale it. It rejuvenates you and increases alertness.

11.  Lemon juice is the best medicine when fatigue sets in.

12. It helps in getting rid off unwanted toxins and purifies liver there by enhances the digestive system.

13. It fights against all kinds of gastro-intestinal, urinary tract infections.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s have a glass of lemon juice now



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Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.

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