
Alert: Either Pay Rs 2000 Or Don’t Waste Water From 15th April

Think twice before you waste water againvia

No one can live without water. But due to the wastage of water, there soon will be scarcity everywhere. To stop this, the government will initiate strict rules. Now from 15th April onwards, don’t waste water or will invite a fine of Rs 2,000. The Municipal Corporation informed that the residents will be fined from April 15 until June 30. Thus watering of the lawns, courtyards, as well as washing of cars or any other vehicle with a hosepipe will not be allowed. Chief Engineer Manoj Bansal reported that there will be strict checking. Images or videos of the violators can also be updated on WhatsApp of the civic team of officials.

washing car

“Several teams have been created to check water wastage in the morning and evening both,” Bansal said. If anyone refuses to pay the challan, the fine will be added to the water bill of the person. The teams will be guided by a Sub Divisional officer who will give the challan to violators on spot. A senior official has added, “If anyone posts images of violators wasting water, our team will go and give challan to the violator on according to the video. Numbers of these officials have been mentioned on the website and will be circulated also.”

Whatsapp group

According to the officials, there will be a special eye on the northern sectors because the civic body has found that the water consumption in such sectors is higher than the southern sectors. MC public health has found that there are houses bigger than one canal, so the consumption is more up to 1,376 liters of water per head.

washing lawn

In The Last Year

Over than 500 people were challaned for wasting a lot of water. However, the councilors confirmed that the number of people was less and checking will be strict to stop water wastage. Due to rise in temperature, the demand also increases. The residents who stay at the upper side complain of a low water pressure. While the situation is worse in the southern side of the city.

hot weather

Chandigarh is already facing a shortage of water. Because it only gets 85 Million Gallons Daily (MGD) in demand of 116 MGD during summers. Thus the shortage leaves everyone high and also dry. Mayor Davesh Moudgil has said that he will ask the public health team. To stay alert and also issue challans immediately on seeing somebody who is wasting water.

So now you might be thinking of how much have you wasted until now. And it’s high time that you stop doing so. Not only you will have to pay for it, but also it can lead to water scarcity. So save water and contribute your good to the society. But soon these popular cities will face water scarcity soon! So start saving.