
These World’s Most Popular Cities Will Face Water Scarcity Problem


Water, one of the four basic elements of nature, is an essential part of human survival. We depend on water on an everyday basis. Everything we do revolves around water like quenching your thirst, cleaning, washing dishes, doing laundry, bathing, etc. Lately, the use of water has gone to the extreme and it has brought down the water levels to a dangerous minimum. Pollution and other inhumane acts have also causes the depletion of usable freshwater. But some people have no regard whatsoever about the depleting water levels and use water as they please. There are few cities which will face the problem of water scarcity.

Cities Suffering from Water scarcity

Cape Town in South Africa is the first major city in the modern times to run out of the water by April. Citizens can use just 25 liters per day and distribution of water is done under army-watch to avoid loot. Here is the list of cities to run out of water soon:


1. Sao Paulo

Cities Suffering from Water scarcity

Brazil’s financial capital and one of the 10 most populated cities in the world has reserved 15% below expected. This will pose a huge threat to this highly populated city and water distribution will become difficult. With the growing population and incoming tourists, this city has to cope up with everything and sustain its water levels.


2. Bengaluru

Cities Suffering from Water scarcity

Bengaluru lakes have undrinkable water and the city needs fixing of water infrastructure for its rapidly growing population.It is one of the major cities in India and is a social hub. Water is required in high amounts and due to the scarcity issues, it is difficult to maintain such high amount of crowd.


3. Beijing

Cities Suffering from Water scarcity

Beijing is the capital of China people’s republic. This is also the second most populated city in the world along with the title of most populated capital. 40% of Beijing’s supply is polluted to the point of not being used even for agriculture or industrial use.


4. Cairo

Cities Suffering from Water scarcity

Cairo is the capital of Eygpt. Due to it being situated in the desert, water is required in high amounts. Heavy pollution in the Nile river, which is the main source of water giving up to 97% of the city’s supply has lead to this situation.


5. Jakarta

Cities Suffering from Water scarcity

Jakarta is the massive capital of Indonesia. It has a mixture of various cultures like Javanese, Indian, Chinese, etc. Illegal digging of wells, no pipeline for half the population and draining underground aquifers will lead to Jakarta’s reduction in supply.