Love & RelationshipStories

This True Story Of Father Son Is The Best Thing You Will Watch Today

Father Son

When we are born, the first two people we got to know about our Mother and Father. These two-person plays the most crucial role in our life. The relationship between Father Son or Mother-Son or Daughter cannot be explained. It has the feeling which cannot be expressed. Every single person reading this story will agree to me on this, right?

Father Son Story

Entertales brought for you all some heart touching stories entitled ‘Think Again.’ The story is based on Father-Son, relationship, etc.


Think Again

Father Son Story

Think Again is a story between Father and Son. The story starts with a Son taking his Old Father to Old Age Home. Nowadays, most of us are becoming very selfish, and the only thing matters are personal life. We don’t realize that Time is never the same, and it will always Change.


Story Of Think Again

Father Son Story

The same thing is doing by our character Mohit of Web story. In this story, Mohit became very successful, and he hardly has any time to take care of his Old Father. So, what he is doing is taking a road to Old Age to settle his father over there. As we grow, most of us usually forgot the sacrifices done by their parents. We forget what we are today is just because of them. Some of them feel it is their hard work, which led them to success. They forget how their father worked in summer full of sweat, to make them sleep in AC and Cooler. They forget how their mother slept hungry to make them feed adequately. But once we grow, we fail to remember anything.

When Mohit takes his Father to Old Age, he faces the most significant truth of his life. What is that truth, you can watch it in the video below?

All we want to say is Think Again. Respect our parents; life is too small, spread love. Never forget the sacrifices your parents did to make you what you are today. This video and article are dedicated to all respected elders living a life in the Old Age. Open your eyes Youths, no matter if the world is becoming Modern, no matter you think you are successful if you can’t respect your parents, if you can’t be a helping hand for them in their Old age then you are not successful, you are the most unfortunate person in the world.

We will again come with more such stories in upcoming videos, do let us know how do you feel about this video. Share with maximum people; your small step can open eyes for someone who is sleeping.

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Praneet Samaiya
the authorPraneet Samaiya
Entrepreneur, Movie Critic, Film Trade Analyst, Cricket Analyst, Content Creator

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