
Bangalore Police Creative Posters On Road Safety Wins Your Heart

Bangalore Police Road SafetyBangalore Police Road Safety


Previous days, if you wanted to meet Prime Minister or Chief Minister or police higher officials, the way to get their appointment was very difficult. But now, it is so easy. 

All this just, because of “social media”.

Similarly, how many times police department mentions about road safety to people, it had become a mere waste.

But not anymore!

Bangalore police came up with an innovative way to bring awareness on road safety.

Check out their creative posters on twitter where they tackled serious issues with a humorous tone.


1. You can’t see who is coming. Can you?



2. Park it wrong and be our guest, says Bangalore police



3. The prefect blood pressure meter!



4. You can’t get another head



5. Ready to get fooled?



6. Imagine a life without drunken driving



7. By the way, do you honk at traffic signal?



8. Stay polite on the road



Seeing the effort made by Bangalore police, twitteratis started applauding them.


What do you think of these posters? Share us in the comments.

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Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.

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