Love & Relationship

Things Women Hide From Their Husbands



After you tie the knot, the “what’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine” mentality can begin to shape your life together. However, for most women, there are at least a few things they tend to hide from their guys—even if they’ve got a tight bond.

Health Concerns

If a woman finds a suspicious mole, a lump in her breast or has an otherwise disconcerting “symptom,” she may often stay mum or downplay her anxieties.

But this gut instinct to stay quiet about worries—as if keeping mum about something means that it doesn’t exist—isn’t the best idea.

So resist the urge and don’t bite your tongue. You deserve a shoulder to lean on, and tag-team support is what marriage is all about.

Trouble in the Relationship


If a woman can’t seem to work through relationship issues with her spouse privately, she’ll often schedule a therapy session—and attend alone.

 While doing this individually can be effective, but in order to maintain that trust with your man, it’s really better if he’s on the couch right next to you. 

Sexual Preferences


Women don’t talk about sex nearly as much, and very seldom does. That’s largely in part, perhaps, because wives generally don’t want to tell their guys about between-the-sheets action they don’t like.

Personal Successes


Believe it or not, women are less inclined to go home and gab about a promotion at work, a big raise or even an improved marathon time. But let’s be real. If you wield more power at work, are the more accomplished athlete or bring home more bacon than him, does it really matter? Yes,some men do feel threatened. 

Bank Accounts


Women may keep secret bank accounts for different reasons, but I’ve found this is something they may have been taught by their mothers.

 This may give women a sense of security—a nest egg to fall back. However, if a husband finds out about secret funds, he may think you’re banking on your marriage to fail. 

So while you probably don’t have to divulge everything—after all, that’s necessary to maintaining your own sense of self—holding on to certain secrets can impact the trust and support system of your marriage. If there’s an opportunity to open up for the sake of a stronger relationship, why not give it a try?

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