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These Are The 13 Things Couples Should Discuss Before Getting Married

Things Couples Should Discuss Before Getting Marriedvia

9. Spending Time Together


Even though marriage typically entails living together, it does not imply that the couple must spend all of their time together, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They’re still people with their own wants and needs. They’ll need to give each other space and have some alone time from time to time. Some people may need more space than others, so it’s important to understand what each other expects before getting married. Every individual experience love in their own unique way. That is essentially what love languages imply. You might enjoy it if your partner often takes you out, while another person might appreciate it if their partner assists with household chores. It’s important to talk about it so that no one in the relationship feels unloved.


10. Social Lives After Marriage


People are supposed to attend few events together once they are married. Many married people, however, occasionally choose to hang out with their mates without their spouses present. But it’s worth talking about what social activities they plan to attend as a couple and who they can meet after they tie the knot.


11. Health


If you’re going to spend the rest of your life with someone, make sure you know everything there is to know about them. This covers both physical and mental health problems. That way, you can plan the union in the most efficient way possible. This should also include their family’s physical and mental health history, so they know what may come in the future.


12. Triggers


Everyone has pet peeves, and it’s important to share them with one another so that living together is bearable. For example, one person may feel compelled to keep things in order, while the other may prefer a more chaotic setting. A consensus could be achieved if these issues are resolved early on.


13. Views On Cheating


While we can believe that everybody understands what cheating means, the word may mean different things to different people. For instance, one person may consider kissing to be cheating, while another may consider simply catching up with an ex to be unacceptable. Some people believe that falling in love with someone else is a form of cheating. To prevent misunderstandings, a couple should discuss how relaxed they are with each other’s proximity to other people.

These are the things you should talk to your partners about before the marriage takes place and even about more topics that are important, according to you, for a healthy marriage.

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Anushka Jain
the authorAnushka Jain
'Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.'