
These Are The Popular Rice Varieties Of India That You Probably Not Aware

Popular Rice Varietiesvia

6. Palakkadan Matta Rice


Palakkadan Matta rice is one of the most famous rice varieties of Kerala. The rice is red in color and is rich in magnesium and calcium.


7. Basmati Rice


The aromatic basmati rice has a close resemblance with Jasmine rice. To prepare Indian dishes like biryani and kheer, this rice is used. Mainly found in the western parts of the Indian subcontinent, the basmati rice is a good source of carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins.


8. Sticky Rice


The sticky rice popular in Northeast India keeps the connective tissues strong and stimulates healthy brain functioning along with keeping the immunity strong. It is mainly used for cooking desserts and sweet dishes.


9. Jasmine Rice


The rice contains a typical Jasmine floral Aroma. Along with a delicious flavor, the rice has unparalleled health benefits.


10. Bamboo Rice


It is special rice that is grown out of a dying bamboo shoot. It is rich in various nutrients including carbohydrates, fiber, and protein. The tribes in Kerala use this rice to cure joint pain as it has an immense amount of calcium and phosphorus content.


11. Mapillai Samba rice


It is a native variety of rice grown in Tamil Nadu. It is high in fiber and also improves immunity and stamina, heals stomach and mouth ulcers and aids digestion.

However, the list is not even about 1% of the total varieties of rice cultivated in India. Unfortunately, many of rice varieties are in a situation of being extinct.

Well, have you tried all these varieties? Share us in the comments.  Summer welcomes the king of fruits mango that has incredible benefits.

Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.