
These Pictures Prove India Is The Most Sarcastic Country In The World. But, I Don’t Think So…

Sarcastic CountrySarcastic Country



After seeing these pictures, people in and around the world may feel it is sarcastic, where as some feel it as fun. It all depends on the context and the relationship between the two persons who are having this conversation.

And after reading this, let us know whether it is sarcasm or fun. Here are the answers by some of the Indians when someone asks these questions.

1. I have a raging headache.

Translation of Indian answer: If you’re buried in your phone all day what else do you expect.


2. When you share details with friends.

Translation of Indian answer: So, should I dance?


3. I am busy right now.

Translation of Indian answer: O yeah, You are bigger VIP than Modi Ji (The Indian Prime minister)


4. *accidentally comes too close*

Translation of Indian answer: Come, sit in my lap


5. Mom can I get some money?

Translation of Indian answer: Why not. I am your ATM, right?


6. Can you help me with something?

Translation of Indian answer: Yup, not like I have anything else to do.


7. Can I stay at Neha's house for a day?

Translation of Indian answer: Go. Why would you like your own house? Go, move to Neha’s place.


8. When I drop a plate…

Translation of Indian answer: Very good. Break all the dishes. Break the entire house dear.


9. When I am not on time.

Translation of Indian answer: Well, if you were planning to come next month you should have told me.


10. When you ask for one bite..

Translation of Indian answer: Take, eat. Finish it all. I got it for you.


11. When you wear a nice outfit for once..

Translation of Indian answer: Hey Aishwarya, what are you doing here? What time is your fashion show?


12. *alarm rings*

Translation of Indian answer: You Kumbhkaran’s (Hindu Mythology – A guy who slept a lot) child. Are you planning to wake up today or not?


13. When you ask what's for dinner…

Translation of Indian answer: My head.


Whether these are sarcastic or fun, it depends on between whom this type of conversation is going on. If this is between mom and son, then sure it is a funny conversation. After all, it is not always possible to understand Indian’s words.

What do you say? Isn’t it true? Share us in the comments.

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Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.

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