5. Selfie Photo Of A Group Of Engineering Students Before They Were Drowned

Adventures can take your life here is the example.
6. Russian Andrey Retrovsky Fell From The Building To His Death, All For A Perfect Instagram Post

An Instagram post is not that costly compared to life.
7. Robert Overacker’s Fall Over Niagara Falls

Robert Overacker was attempting to bring issues to light for the destitute. His arrangement was to stream ski over Niagara Falls and parachute down. Sadly, the parachute didn’t open and he wound up tumbling to his demise over the falls.
8. 14-Year-Old Keith Saps Ford Hiding In The Wheel Well Of A Flight Headed To Japan From Sydney In 1970

14-year-old Keith Saps Portage covering up in the wheel well of a flight went to Japan from Sydney in 1970.