
These Are 15 Lesser Known Facts About Tom And Jerry Cartoon Series

Tom and Jerry Factsvia

6. Tom And Jerry And The Spike And Tyke Series

Tom And Jerry And The Spike And Tyke Series

In 1950, Tom and Jerry’s producers introduced two new characters named Spike and Tyke, the bulldog and his son respectively. The idea of introducing new characters was a great success.


7. Tom And Jerry In Czechoslovakia

Tom And Jerry In Czechoslovakia

Tom and Jerry is an American cartoon but in 1960 many episodes were made in Czechoslovakia. 13 episodes had a different tone, location, and strange atmosphere.


8. They Never Speak Except Few Occasions

Tom And Jerry Sing Song

Tom and Jerry animation series basically no voice except music as per the situation. This was because the cats and mice never speak. The first time they speak is to sing a song in 1992 in a Film.


9. Cocktail Named Tom And Jerry

Tom and Jerry Cocktail

In the USA, a traditional Christmas cocktail is named ‘Tom and Jerry’. This cocktail was invented by a writer, Mr. Pierce Egan. He is the author of the book ‘Life in London’.


10. MGM Studio Asked To Discontinue The Show

MGM Tom and Jerry

Initially, Studio told the producer, to discontinue the production of this animated film because it is a very common concept. However, in 1941 the film got a huge success and won the nomination for The Oscar. After that MGM studio permitted them to continue the production.

Anushka Jain
the authorAnushka Jain
'Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.'