
These Are 15 Lesser Known Facts About Tom And Jerry Cartoon Series

Tom and Jerry Factsvia

Tom and Jerry is the most prominent, evergreen, award-winning, and well-known animated series. The animated cartoon series is popular among all groups. Tom and Jerry’s cartoon was brought into play by Joseph Barbera and William Hanna. They hail from California. Joseph Barbera started his animation career and worked on the original Tom and Jerry series for Van Bueren studios in 1932. In 1937, he joined Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) studio and met William Hanna in the same studio.

Gene Deitch Tom and Jerry

The animated series is filmed by MGM studio. Back then, no one ever imagined that the cat and mouse series would become a global hit. However, they created a world-famous animated series which is an unforgettable part of the childhood of many generations. Let us take a look at some of the lesser-known facts about the most popular cartoon series Tom and Jerry.


1. The First Episode In The Forties

Puss Gets The Boot Tom And Jerry

The first Tom and Jerry animated series telecast was on 10 February 1940. Mr. Hanna and Mr. Barbaera produced as many as 114 short films for Metro Goldwyn Mayor studio till 1958. Further Mr. Gene Deitch, Chuck Jones produced the 13 and 34 films respectively. A total of 163 series were created till 2014. The name of the first film of the cartoon characters was “Puss Get the Boot” and it is the longest film of all.


2. Tom And Jerry As The Title Name

tom jerry john carrs

In the first episode, the cat named Jasper, and Mouse named Jinx. After the success of the first episode, Barbera and Hanna decided to change the name of the two protagonists. They organized competition within their team for a different and dynamic name of the duo. John Carr, an animator in their team suggested the name, ‘Tom and Jerry’. The creators liked the name and gave 50$ as an award to John Carr.


3. When Tom And Jerry Were Friends

Tom and Jerry Friends

Tom and Jerry were friends in the earlier episodes. But the audience wanted it the other way. So due to audience demand, the producer produced more episodes, where they quarrel with each other.


4. Tom And Jerry Body Features

Tom Evolution

The Jerry feature looks almost the same as they invented first. But there are some major changes in the features of Tom. Earlier Tom’s movement was on all four legs. There is a change in Tom’s thick fur and multiple facial wrinkles have been changed.


5. Tom’s Owner

Tom Owner

In the whole series, Mammy Two Shoes are the owner of Tom shown only in one episode for a very small time. This episode was named ‘Saturday Evening Puss’ released on January 14, 1950.

Anushka Jain
the authorAnushka Jain
'Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.'