
Kami-Shirataki Station In Japan, Where The Train Arrives For Only One Girl

The Train Is Set To Match The School Time Of The Girl

kami-shirataki stationvia

We can imagine what problems the school children face if they are living in a remote place. There are many places in India where the children have to walk for several kilometers to attend their school. Although, this matter has been raised in front of govt. a lot of times but they failed to find a solution in this regard. Japan also faces this issue but they come out with a way. A train company has been stopping at a remote station for the past three years to pick up just one passenger. It is the Kami-Shirataki station in Hokkaido which is way too far from the school of the girl.


They Stopped The Train Service On Kami-Shirataki Station

kami-shirataki station

There is only one teenage girl who goes to school. The train services were stopped at the station as only a few passengers would use the train from that station.


They Set The Train For Just One Girl

kami-shirataki station

However, when they discovered that there is no other source that the girl can use to reach her school. They decided to set a train to Kami-Shirataki station. Since then, the train comes to the station twice a day. In the morning, the train picks up the girl at 7.04 am. And drops the girl back at Kami-Shirataki station at 5.08 pm. The timing of the train is according to the need of the girl. She is the only girl who uses the train.


They Will Keep This Service Until The Girl Passes Her High School

kami-shirataki station

Hokkaido Railway Co’s service has been praised for its commitment to its customers following the discovery. The railway company has said that they will keep this service going until the girl pass high school.

This is inspirational and it is also an illustration that how much value the education is for the children. Admittedly, the train company got our utmost respect. Agree? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Also, check 8  shocking school rules in Japan that are true.

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Ravi Dabas
the authorRavi Dabas
A literature student, horror movies lover, laconic speaker, a Muay Thai practitioner, full-time hustler and part-time writer and poet.