
10 Household Products And Their Evolution Within Last Few Years




We  cannot imagine our life without the household products. Moreover, these products help us and make our lives easier. From a fresh morning to a good night, we use them every time. And, due to their chronic use we didn’t notice that they have evolved too much since the moment we started using them. So, today we have brought you 10 household products and their evolution.


1. Mango Frooti

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The green packing of frooti was not attractive at all. Furthermore, it seemed weird that a mango highlight drink was packed in green color.


2. Nestle Kit Kat

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Covered by Cardboard and aluminum foil, the chocolaty break used to be different back then.


3. Parle G

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Parle G is one of the few old things that are still in our list of favorite stuff. Whether paper packing or polythene packing., Parle G always allures our tongues.


4. Colgate

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Colgate has evolved too much within last decade. Apart from this, it has released many style variations too. And now the toothpaste has an improved taste.


5. Band-aid

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The packing of Band-Aid used to be less fancy but more professional. However, now the product is more flashy.


6. Coca-Cola

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Our favorite soft drink used to have a hard plain bottle. No doubt, now the bottle is alluring.


7. Cherry Blossom Polish

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The packing was overlooked at that time. However, these days Cherry Blossom has one of the most stylish packing. That beautifully groomed bottle packing is pleasant.


8. Dettol

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Detour used to look like a toilet cleaner back those days. The colorless and the brown color variation combined with those less highlighted logos to give it a look of “Desi Quarter”.


9. Kelloggs Chocos- Chaiye Hi Chahiye

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The Chocos pack used to be different there but the attractiveness was not less. The green color and the big doggy looks alike cartoon used to arrest our attention, when we were kids.


10. Bisleri

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The old Bisleri bottle was less groomed yet it was better than current styled bottle. The durability and the cool shape gave it somewhat a badass look.

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Ravi Dabas
the authorRavi Dabas
A literature student, horror movies lover, laconic speaker, a Muay Thai practitioner, full-time hustler and part-time writer and poet.

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