
French Woman Sues Company For Paying Her Salary For 20 Years Without Giving Any Work

French Woman Sues Company For Paying Her Salary

Well, the world has always witnessed strange cases. One such case in France has made headlines in every country. Well, in a world where many people wish to receive salaries without performing the job, Wassenhove, a French woman has shocked the world by suing her employer company for paying her for 20 years without assigning any job role. This case indicates how employees today are passionate about their work and not just salaries. Well, if you’d like to know more about this unique case, please continue reading the article.


French Woman Sues A Telecom Giant

Telephone Counseling Therapy

A French woman has filed a lawsuit against her employer for failing to provide her any job work for 20 years, despite receiving her full pay. Disabled person Laurence Van Wassenhove has chosen to sue telecom giant Orange, claiming she has been the victim of harassment and discrimination because of her health, as per the reports. Before Orange acquired the business in 1993, Wassenhove was employed by France Telecom. The sued firm was aware of her medical limitations, including her epilepsy and one side of her body paralysis. She was thus allowed to play a part that fit her.

At first, she worked as a secretary and in human resources, a position that was appropriate for her abilities. She did, however, ask to be transferred to a different area of France in 2002. Van Wassenhove’s lawyers claim that although her move request was granted, her demands weren’t met in the new workspace. But rather than provide a good substitute, Orange allegedly ceased giving her any job to. The disabled woman says that even though she was paid in full for the next twenty years, this circumstance resulted in “moral harassment” for her. She contends that receiving compensation for doing nothing led to alienation and a loss of motivation for her career. She claims to have lost professional purpose.


Further Details And Company’s Response

The disabled lady filed a complaint with the authorities in 2015 over the Fight against Discrimination. Orange then designated a mediator to settle the dispute. Wassenhove asserts that even after this, her circumstances did not get any better.

“Being paid, at home, not working is not a privilege. It’s very hard to bear,” she remarked. David Nabet-Martin, her lawyer, asserts that she suffered from depression as a result of her seclusion.

On the other hand, Orange asserts that it had taken all reasonable steps to guarantee she was working in optimal settings. The telecom firm claimed to have developed “a return to work in adapted position” policy for Wassenhove after considering her “personal situation,” but this policy was never implemented because she was frequently absent due to illness.

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Kamya Bisht
the authorKamya Bisht
I am a young student in search of perfection. Pursuing graduation at DU doesn't restrict me to explore different other genres, My ability to write and put my thoughts into words has improved as a result of working in several firms as a content writing intern.