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The Way Former Australian Cricketer Steve Waugh Fulfilled His Friend’s Last Wish Will Melt Your Heart

Former Australian Cricketer Steve WaughFormer Australian Cricketer Steve Waugh


True friendship is really beautiful. In every true friendship there is a pure love bond and it is really hard to get BUT once you experience it, it’s very difficult to leave.

Most of the people feel everyone as their friends. No it’s not. The term “Friend” has a great meaning. Not everyone can give friendship easily. Most of the people just use others for some purpose in the name of friendship.

There is a lot of difference between a classmate, friend and a true close friend. We study with so many people and meet so many but only very few leave footprints in our hearts.

Stephen leaved such lovely footprints in Steve’s heart.

Steve Waugh, former Australian cricketer, a formidable batsman and also a great captain has been one of the most iconic cricketers in the history of international cricket.

Steve Waugh's friend, who wanted his ashes to be immersed in the holy Ganga, had expired four months ago. In order to fulfill his friend Stephen’s last wish, Steve, 51-year-old travelled all the way to the Manikarnika ghat to immerse his friend ashes into the Ganga River.




While talking to some journalists at the scene, Waugh said: "Stephen was my very loving friend. His last wish was that after his death, his mortal remains were to be immersed here.”


Steve Waugh conducted all the proper ceremonies before immersing his friend’s ashes into the holy river in Varanasi on Tuesday afternoon.

Some reports also claim that Steve Waugh had come to immerse the ashes of locally known Australian shoe-shiner Brian Rudd. However, these reports haven’t been confirmed yet.

Such a pure affectionate bond!! It is very rare to see someone taking this much effort to fulfill a friend’s last wish. Isn’t it?

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Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.

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