
He Faked Rs. 1.8 Crore Job At NASA!!



Getting into NASA is a dream of many youngsters. 

There are lot many unemployed engineers and many other graduates who are looking for jobs. But this guy created job for himself in an illegal way.

Ansar Khan, 20-yr-old from Madhya Pradesh who studied up to class 12, faked his identity card with US president Barack Obama's forged signatures and claimed he was appointed to the space agency's 'Space and Food' program with an annual salary of Rs. 1.85 crore.




Heights Of Fakeness

He even invited the senior officials of Kamalpur administration for a felicitation program in his honour. He wore that created fake identity card and invited senior police officer Shashikant Shukla.




After seeing Obama’s signature on card, police officer grew suspicious and investigated.


Fraudster Of The Year


In the investigation, police found that he had borrowed money from several people promising to pay back when he received his salary from NASA.

However, Believing Mr Khan's claims, his school and several local organisations organised functions to celebrate his achievements.

Phew! If only he had used his wit for something constructive.


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Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.

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