
Mind Blowing Facts About Eyes That You Must Know


7. Retinas See The World Upside Down, While Your Brain Flips The Image Around For You



8. All Blue-Eyed People Are Related In Some Way



9. All Babies Are Born Color Blind



10. An Eye Is Composed Of More Than 2 Million Working Parts



11. A Fingerprint Has 40 Unique Characteristics But An Iris Has 256. This Is Why Many New Security Measures Have Iris Scans Instead Of Fingerprint Scans



12. An Astronaut Cannot Cry In Space. Due To The Lack Of Gravity In Space, Tears Do Not Fall. Instead, They Collect In Little Balls And Make A Person’s Eyes Sting



13. Only 1/6th Of The Human Ball Is Exposed



14. Eyes Are The Second Most Complex Organ After The Brain


Did you know while crying, nose becomes runny because of the tears draining into the nose from eyes? Interesting, isn’t it? However, some humans don’t really see with eyes but with their brain. And some people don’t even use their brain.

Whatever it is, Eyes are very special organs. What do you say? Share us in the comments. Worried of dark circles under eyes? Then you must read this.

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Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.