
Want To Extend Life Span By 2 Years? Than Grab This Book!!



Are you a bookworm? If not, you will surely turn to a bookworm after reading this.

Because, here is the surprising newssmiley

If you could read for 30 minutes daily, you can extend your life span by 2 years.


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In the recent survey by researchers who conducted on 3,635 people who are of age 50 and even older, it revealed the fact that just 3.5 hours read in a week is enough to make huge difference in extending life span.

Harvard researchers say that digging deep into a book will develop cognitive engagement.




Those who read 3.5 hours in a week are 23% less likely to die as it reduces the stress levels and keep the brain engaged.

They bring us this fact by grouping the people who read up to 3.5 hours in a week and who never reads, who reads more than 3.5 hours in a week.

The logic behind this is, to stay fit and healthy, the body needs exercises. In the same way to stay mentally healthy, brain exercises are very vital and this comes by reading books.




Do you often read fiction books? Then there is an interesting fact exclusively for you. Reading fiction books increases the feelings of empathy and thus engages with the people resulting in longer life.




So, what are you waiting for?

Wanna keep your brain active and healthy?

Now go and grab the book that interests you. It could be puzzle solving, Movie buzz, Comic, Fiction, Fantasy what not!!!




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Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.

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