
Elon Musk, Series Of Failures Could Not Break His Courage



Robert T Schuller Said “Success is never ending failure is never final”

Elon Musk is the one person who understood this line better than anyone. We all experience failures in our life. Sometimes it breaks us. Some show courage and rise again to achieve what they aspire to become. Elon Musk is not just an inspirational icons but he achieved excellence in various fields. 

Elon credit his failures for his growth and in short he is the one person who understood the art of failing successfully.

Each time a failure struck him he evolved and that’s what he thinks is the purpose of each obstacle.


1. Bullying In School

Elon Musk

Musk was conceived in South Africa by an engineer father and a model mother. You could call him a geek, constantly covered in books and PCs. Musk was never quite a bit of a social being. He was more youthful and weaker than different understudies, making him a simple focus for spooks. His youth was ‘unbearable’ to have survived. In one episode he was tossed down a staircase and beaten a short time later, to such an extent that he go out and must be hospitalized. 


2. Netscape Failure

Elon Musk

Very few know this, yet Musk had applied for a job at Netscape, in any case, he didn’t get any answer as he had no foundation in software engineering. He had degrees in economics and Physics from Wharton School. He even went to their office, yet returned as he was excessively timid, making it impossible to converse with anybody. After this, he chose to seek his own thoughts and subsequently began Zip2, a web programming organization, giving business subtle elements, something like an online business catalog. Had he not been modest or had Netscape try him attempt, both Musk’s and Netscape’s future could have been extraordinary. Many of you won’t think about it as a low point in his life, however, remember that Netscape was one of the main tech-organizations around then, and Musk had missed an open door since he was shy.


3. Conflict Over  Zip2

Elon Musk

NZip2, an organization which Musk and his sibling had established after great effort. The Top managerial staff, taking a gander at the long run, removed Musk as the Chief of his own organization. The board argument that Musk did not have the vital operational obligations and due to that couldn’t be the President. Another issue they saw was his inability and consequently delegated another Chief. He kept his offers, and when the organization was sold to Compaq, he got $22 million from it.


4. Expelled From PayPal

Elon Musk

Musk established, an online-installment organization which went ahead to wind up PayPal. In April 2000, Musk was made the President of the organization. Before long, Musk got into a heated discussion with the then CTO over which working framework to go ahead with, Windows or Unix. The contradiction, in the end, came about into his removing as Chief from PayPal, while he was on his honeymoon.


5. Son’s Sudden Death

Elon Musk

Seeing your child pass on is potentially the worst thing that can happen to someone. Musk had his first child with his longtime sweetheart and first spouse, Justine Wilson, in May 2002. They named him Nevada Alexander. He was just a infant when he passed away. Musk rarely talk about this incident.


6. SpaceX Crisis

Elon Musk

In June 2002, Musk established SpaceX, with a goal to bring down space transportation expenses and make Mars colonization a reality. Musk contributed a considerable measure of capital which he got from the offer of PayPal into SpaceX. The organization’s initial three dispatches fizzled which started incredulity in numerous financial specialists. They just had enough cash for one more dispatch; they were nearly at the skirt of insolvency. It was an extremely upsetting time for Musk. The fourth dispatch was an immense achievement, and as an outcome, SpaceX got an agreement from NASA for $1.6 billion. SpaceX was sending rockets to space at 33% the cost of some other offices in the business. Musk had gone hard and fast for the SpaceX dispatch which, luckily for him, ended up as a victory.


7. Tesla Problem

Elon Musk

Musk established Tesla Engines in 2003, an organization intended to create cost-effective electric autos. The organization’s first electric auto was Roadster, a superior vehicle yet not extremely cost-productive. The dispatch was postponed and the organization additionally confronted extreme money-related issues, verging on closing down. By his own particular confirmation, 2008 was the most exceedingly terrible year of his life. The auto was costing twofold the anticipated cost, accordingly making the assets inadequate. Musk needed to settle on a critical choice at that point: Either put all his life’s funds into the organization or see his organization blur away. The last wasn’t a possibility for him, so he places everything in. The bet ended up being fortunate for this parallel-business visionary as the auto got awesome audits for its execution.


8. Ran Out Of Money

Elon Musk

Subsequent to spending all his money into Tesla and SpaceX, Musk was running out of the money. Musk was living on individual credits from companions since October 2009. Indeed, even the organization wasn’t doing great monetarily and needed to acquire $465 million from The Assembled States Branch of Vitality. Prior to this, Tesla had been generally getting by on Musk’s own ventures, which was not any more conceivable. His separation settlement with his better half added to his burdens. Tesla acted the hero, with repaying his treks and granting him 6.7 million investment opportunities.


Musk’s failures throughout his life teach one thing to all of us that if we are not failing at something we are not trying something new. Despite all the failures Elon Musk continued to make one step after another and that is what made him what he is today.

If you are passionate enough towards your dreams than nothing can stop you. 
