
Mother’s Blood Pressure During Pregnancy Can Predict Boy Or Girl Child



In a new study, it is found that mother’s blood pressure can predict the sex of a baby.

If mother has lower blood pressure before pregnancy, then she is more likely to give birth to a girl where as higher blood pressure is an indication that she is more likely to give birth to boy, says Dr Ravi Retnakaran, endocrinologist at Mount Sinai Hospital in Canada.

This "suggests that a woman's blood pressure before pregnancy is a previously unrecognized factor that is associated with her likelihood of delivering a boy or a girl," said Retnakaran.


"This novel insight may hold implications for both reproductive planning and our understanding of the fundamental mechanisms underlying the sex ratio in humans," he said.


Research Was Done On 1,411 Pregnant Women


Researchers recruited 3375 women in Liuyang, China in February 2009. Of these, 1,692 women were assessed for blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose.

Out of these, 281 women were excluded who were potentially pregnant at their baseline assessment.

So, the study population for the analysis consisted of 1,411 women who were assessed at median 26.3 weeks before pregnancy and their pregnancies resulted in the delivery of 739 boys and 672 girls.


Blood Pressure Ref


The mean adjusted systolic blood pressure before pregnancy was found to be higher in women who subsequently had a boy than in those who delivered a girl after making adjustments for age, BMI, education, waist, smoking, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol and glucose.

In the study, higher maternal blood pressure before pregnancy emerged as an independent predictor of subsequently delivering a boy. But we request you that child is child. Now a days girls are better than boys. So don't go for any unhuman activity. We Entertales are strictly against child abortion.

Hope the new studies bring out so many fascinating things. 

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Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.

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