
Most Bizarre Houses From Around the World That Has Insane Design

Bizarre Housesvia

6. Pod House, Perinton, New York


This home looks more like a grouping of wild mushrooms. It is made up of 5 interconnected pods that are each supported by a thin beam. The house has 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms in 4,168 square feet.


7. The PAS House, California


It’s the structure which can be used both for skateboarding and living. The interior is organized into three main areas, one of which is a skateboard practice zone. You can skate on pretty much everything, including the walls, ceiling, and even the furniture.


8. Fab Lab House, Madrid


The Fab Lab House by Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) and is a great example of eco-living. This Madrid-based project generates three times the energy it consumes and also houses an orchard in order to produce food.


9. The Seashell House, Mexico City


Wanna live in a seashell? Then visit this insane house in Mexico City which looks like a giant seashell. Inspired by Nautilus, the house was designed by Javier Senosiain.


10. Verrueckte Hausm, Germany


Located in Bispingen, Germany, this is an upside-down house. Touring the residence is just as dizzying as the exterior, with all of the furniture and utilities screwed to the ceiling.

Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.