LatestLove & Relationship

17 Bizarre Dark Secrets Of People That Will Make You Shock

Bizarre Secrets Bizarre Secrets


According to Japanese, Every person has three faces.

The first face, you show to the world. The second face, you show to your close friends, and your family.

The third face, you never show anyone. It is the truest reflection of who you are.

But I say many faces, where it changes according to circumstances.

The confessions people made makes you shock, embarrassed and hilarious.


1. Heights Of Attraction


I'm sexually attracted to my boyfriend's dad: "I can't help it. I haven't even met him yet. I've just heard a lot about him, have seen pictures, and heard his voice. I'm paranoid that when I do meet him I'll be all weird around him. So much so that I don't want to meet him, although my boyfriend and he are close." – Reddit Confessions




2. Whisper Confession 

Whisper is an app where users post confessions anonymously




3. Seems A Time Saver!!


I jerked off in a public bathroom: It was a movie theater, and my movie wasn't going to start for 45 minutes. I didn't go into the bathroom intending to jerk off, but a guy came in right after me and I couldn't go. I pulled out my phone and realized I hadn't done it for a few days, so I did it- Reddit Confessions




4. Heights Of Laziness




5. Going To Church?




6. Kudoos To Technology




7. Watching Horror Movies




8. A Sexual Human Being




I'm 42 and have a really awesome life, great family, job, home, even my dog is fucking perfect. But sometimes (like now) all I want to do is get high with a nice girl half my age, listen to dubstep or jungle, and fuck- Via Reddit


9. Loyal Customers




10. Life Of A College Student




11. Porn Actor Confession




12. The Cheater Confession




13. That's One Frustrating…




14.  Bizarre!!


I Eat My Boogers: "They're not even tasty, I'm gross….' —Via Reddit Confessions


15. Want To Know Which Hotel It Is




16. Shocking Confession




17. The Trouble



Do you have any dark secrets?


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Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.

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