
The Bone Chilling Stories Of Indian Soldiers Who Died For Our Country – Inspiring

Bone Chilling Storiesvia

Today, we all are living happily because of soldiers. To save our lives, they sacrifice their lives. To make sure we all sleep peacefully, they sacrifice their sleep. Sometimes, I feel the most underrated job in India is the Indian Army job. In some parts of India, people don’t even give respect to them. I feel very sad whenever I hear disrespecting words towards them.

Soldiers are the true Indian heroes. However, media and people give more importance to “reel heroes” rather than to the real Indian heroes.  It’s time to salute to the Indian heroes whose heart is filled with courage. Here are some inspiring stories of Indian soldiers who died for our country.


1. Subedar Yogendra Singh Yadav – The Man Who Destroyed Enemies By Sustaining 12 Bullet Wounds


At the age of 19, Yogendra Singh Yadav received the Param Vir Chakra award on 4th July 1999 during Kargil war. This courageous and brave soldier volunteered to capture the three strategic bunkers on the tiger hill situated at the 16,500 ft high cliff face.

During the mission, he was hit by many bullets but he still kept climbing and reached the top of the cliff. He completed his mission by killing 4 Pakistani soldiers and destroying two bunkers even in the state of injury and immense pain. Yes, for him, security of the nation is important than his personal safety.

Yadav said, “I had sustained 12 bullet wounds on my arm, legs. An enemy soldier also took an aim at my chest and fired a bullet, but it ricocheted off the Rs 5 coins I had kept in my pocket. The God kept me alive so that I could share the tales of valor of six of my fellow colleagues who martyred”.


2. Brigadier Mohammad Usman – The Man Chose To Stay With Indian Army


Born in Bibipur, Uttar Pradesh, he joined Indian army in 1934. Even though he had an option to become the Chief of Pakistan Army during partition, he chose to stay with the Indian army. He never got married and donated a large sum of money to needy children. While defending Jhanagr, he attained martyrdom on July 3, 1948, just 12 days short of his 36th birthday. He was awarded Maha Vir Chakra, India’s second highest military decoration.

His last words were “I am dying, but let not the territory we are fighting for…. fall”.

Pavani Bharathula
I am Pavani, stands for highly deterministic, self-motivator, highly individual, independent and bold person; like to inspire and motivate people through my writings and speeches.