
Who Is Louis Antuwn Redmon? Police Booked Him For Killing Hershey Schwartz

Louis Antuwn Redmon Hershey Schwartz

Hershey Schwartz, a native of New York, died tragically on February 19, 2023. He was found shot to death inside his car, which was parked at Wendy’s on 25 Northeast 167 Street. After three months of rigorous investigation, The North Miami Beach Police Department announced that a suspect named Louis Antuwn Redmon, 23 had been detained in connection with Hershey Schwartz’s unfortunate death.

The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office arrested Louis Antuwn Redmon, 23, on Wednesday, May 18. Redmon is charged with first-degree murder, armed robbery, armed carjacking, and felon possessing a weapon.

Rosie Brustowsky, Hershey’s fiance, said, “It’s comforting to know that the person who did this is not out on the streets anymore. However, that doesn’t bring him back.” 


Louis Antuwn CCTV Footage As Evidence

Police Arrested Louis Antuwn

According to evidence obtained by Local 10 News, surveillance footage showed Redmon approaching Schwartz’s SUV, looking inside. Then he opened the door, resulting in a scuffle between the two people. Redmon stood back after the altercation and fired a shot at Schwartz.

It was revealed that Redmon was originally from Jacksonville. He had been staying at the North Miami Beach Garden Inn & Suites.

Calls and text messages were made from Hershey’s phone to numbers. The numbers were associated with Redmon’s current or ex-girlfriend and her son. Therefore, both were summoned to the police station.

Furthermore, during interrogation with the mother and son, the police learned that Redmon did not have his own mobile and frequently borrowed others’ phones to make calls and send messages.

Louis Antuwn Killed Hershey Schwartz

According to authorities, his girlfriend and son contacted Redmon, also known as “Bam,” on March 23 via an Instagram video call. During the call, Redmon claimed to give an unclear version of the event. He said that he saw a man in a vehicle who appeared to be sleeping in the Wendy’s parking lot before the shooting.

Moreover, Redmon was arrested after the interrogation.

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