
10 Most Expensive Bikes In the World That Will Make You Fall For Them

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Whether it's big or small, costly or cheap, there is one for everyone, for every terrain. And it has been a first love for many. Exactly, bikes! Whether it's the monsoon, spring, summer or winter, bikes have become more than just a fashion statement; they are a need, a necessity. Its raw bulging muscular metallic body will make you fall instantly in love with it. And the costlier the bike, the better it looks, right?

Heads turning just to see your bike, probably one of the best feelings in this world. Let's have a look at the top 10 costliest bikes in the world which will make your heart go racy


10. Neiman Marcus Limited Edition Fighter

The Neiman Marcus Limited Edition FighterRef

Designed by Confederate Motor Co., its raw look with an out of box design delivers ultra high speed of 190 mph. Too high? So is its price. Made from ultra light carbon fibre, this wonder costs around $110,000.


9. Coventry Eagle

Bikes Coventry EagleRef

They say the older the better. Well, it’s true to its full meaning in context of this muscle vintage bike. Nostalgic feeling, with a retro look and medium to high speed, this baby could be all yours for $120,000.


8. Harley Davidson Rocker

Bikes Harley Davidson RockerRef

Harley Davidson, one of the most popular companies when it comes to bikes (also the costliest). This classy machine runs on a 1584cc engine, has an electric start system and comes with front and rear disc brakes. Adapted from the German company House of Thunder (and not House of Cards), this beast boats of a $130,000 price tag on it.


7. Hildebrand Wolfmuller

Hildebrand WolfmullerRef

On the first look, you are never going to pay hefty $150,000 for it. But with such a lucrative history as this one, its owners are got to be proud. This hotcake is the world's first production motorcycle, making it so rare and expensive.


6. Hub-less Harley Davidson

Hub-less Harley DavidsonRef

And this mean machine! The more you say, the lesser it seems. It has all basic Harley Davidson bikes features, but has some completely different accessories which enhance its performance and speed. To sum it all up, this perfect mix of tech and style will shed a weight equal to $155,000 from your pocket.


5. Ecosse FE Ti XX

Ecosse FE Ti XXRef

This hulk buster delivers a mammoth 2265 horsepower from its engine. With coolest of the looks and a top speed of 250mph, this beast costs around $300,000. Get ready to loosen up your pocket guys.


4. Legendary British Classic Black

Vincent Black ShadowRef

A vintage bike with 2 cylinders and a 250cc engine. Super rare as well. So rare that it can easily outshine others in your antique collection. These many features are enough to make its price soar sky high to around $400,000. Want to buy it, but it now! Because the rates of such super bikes never topple down, only going to go up. And bargaining and discounts are literally impossible, unless you know someone from the company.


3. Gold Plated Custom Chopper

Gold Plated Custom ChopperRef

Chopping its way to the top 3, this uber cool machine looks amazing with its gold plated machine parts. First presented in Seattle, this thing is worth a $500,000. Truly worthy of being in the top three of our list.


2. Ultra Rare Porcupine

Ultra Rare PorcupineRef

A very rare bike from World War 2, this used to be an antique showpiece in a museum but now is available for sale. But not for all, as the price tag itself shows a whooping $750,000 attached to it. Seems too Costly? But that's still way smaller than the topmost one.



1. $1 Million Harley Davidson

Harley Davidson cosmic starshipRef

Ready to go all pumped up. Then this one is for you. This hulkbuster is humongous, faster than a bolt and gets you all ready for the ride of your life. The ultimate monster, can win any race for you, whether it's on a racetrack or on the way to a girl's heart. The colour, the style, and its lightning fast speed, owing to its compressed powerful six cylinder, all make it the most expensive bike on the list and in the world with a price of $1000000.


So, want to talk to the winds? Want more onlookers turning their heads up? Or is it about impressing the next door girl. What are you waiting for then? These mean machines can do all that for you, it's just the price and you. Good luck!

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