LifestyleLove & Relationship

These Sleepless Nights We All Face In Our Life For Various Reasons



Usually, nights are peaceful and quiet. These nights let you see the best things throughout your life since they sparkle more in the gauzy shroud of obscurity. Think about all the restless nights you have spent and say on the off chance that you can identify with any of this.


1. The Night Before The Exam

Sleepless night

That very previous night before the exam. We awake whole night thinking that we still have plenty of time. We end up wasting most of our time and realized that we should have studied earlier in the semester. 

We read one line of the course book and spent the following ten minutes envisioning yourself flipping burgers at McDonald’s. Wasn’t a decent night?


2. The Night When You Watched A Horror Movie

Sleepless nights

We all love watching horror movies. Watching the spooky thrillers excite us but many times this thrill extends even after the movie. every small knock or sound makes us scared. This is the night we use all our imaginations which connects ghostly acts. Sheet or blankets are the only shelters. 


3. The Night Before The Result

Sleepless nights

Exams night are horrible and full of stress but we all get relaxed and almost carefree about the content we wrote on exam sheet. Here is the day when we have to face the result. Especially When your friends are confident about results, makes the situation worse.


4. The Night The Mosquitoes Loved You

Sleepless nights

Some rare days when we forgot to close the windows and realize how big that mistake was. Mosquitos got the opportunity they were looking for.  what makes the situation worst is the constant humming of mosquitos. These nights are some of the most frustrating ones. All we can manage is to wait until morning and then can we take nap, when all mosquitos disappear in broad daylight. A lesson for next so many days.


5. The Night You Were Too Hungry

Sleepless nights

This is actually funny. Days when we skip our dinner and think its ok to go to bed without having it. Real disaster begins at midnight when we are unable to sleep because of hunger. At that moment we search food almost like a wild and any eatable can be handy. Either we end up eating so much or just wait until the first ray of sun hits the ground. Nearest snacks stall is the only hope at that time of morning. 


6. The Night You Shone Like The Sun

Sleepless nights

We all had those rare nights when we suddenly stood up and brush out all the dust covering our dreams. We somehow became so energetic and collects all the pieces of our shattered ambitions. This is the night which gives the meaning to life. This sudden zeal doesn’t last long but sometimes it is the night of eternal change.


7. The Night You Didn’t Want To End

Sleepless nights

These nights are longest one. Wet pillows, heavy steps and what not. We felt so broke on some particular nights. Disappointments strike our soul and world seems so wicked that we don’t want to face it next morning. Though it is not the end of the world, but it seems like. Eventually, we collect our courage and try to come back to the normal life.


8. The Nights In White Satin

Sleepless nights

I bet that these nights we all experienced or who are still in their teens are going to experience. These nights are full of Passion, the intensity of love is so high at this time. The darkness of night brings the most beautiful moments. When two persons who are crazy for each other had nothing in their mind but to think about their beloved. Imaginations, Romantic Novels, and love stories all seem as they are directed towards you.


9. The Nights Of Late Night Conversations

Sleepless nights

Almost from nowhere this stranger pings you and normal scrolling down activity replace by most exciting late night conversation. All on the social networking. This stranger is either a long forgotten friend or someone you never came across but he was there on your friend list.


10. The Night Your Heart Broke

Sleepless nights

This is the night when everything seems shattered and all our fantasies start hurting us. Someone who made you feel special is no more there in your life. Stories which used to fill your heart full of love seems sheer lies. We kept missing all those moments spent in the lap of our loved one. The person who was so special for you is not even there to share the pain you feel with every breath.

You must have experienced most of them. if not then let us know How many of these nights you can relate? Answer in the comment section!

Do you love to stay awake late in the night then check out here some amazing nightlife of different cities.
