InformativeInspirationalLove & RelationshipNews

The Simplest Cure For Loneliness – Baya Voce





Loneliness is one spreading epidemic of this digital time. This is the era when each human has at least one luxury given by science, whether it’s a simple smartphone, but it is there. This is the time when we are most content, even if we do not have cash in hand at times. There are ample of ways to deal with daily hardships. Yet, according to surveys, humans feel most alone in this age.


In this article, we do not want to criticize the modern times and luxuries, but not discussing this epidemic is not less than shutting your eyes in front of the storm.

Do not miss to watch the video, which we have shared in above, because there we get the simplest and conventional cure for our lonely times.



The speaker, Baya Voce discusses her craving for the fame and chasing contentment. After getting it from a live TV show, she has shared a truth out of her experience, that the fame does not cause happiness. In fact, some people feel most lonely when they are famous.


She has called loneliness “Public Heath crisisbecause 1 out every 5 Americans is suffering from this mental torture issue. The consequences are of course mind depression and even premature death.

Luckily, we have a solution for this hard to understand health issue. And that is the simplest among the most hazardous disease cures. That is building a “ritual”.


But, we are not talking about religion here. Ritual can be described as routine, which you go back to in a set interval of time. Like having dinner every night, taking a morning tea, an evening walk, create your ritual of having a fun time or soothing time with your loved ones.

It can be your daily dinner when, your family or even sometimes friends sit together, eat dinner and have all the talks pour out from your brains. Or you can have a weekend ritual, like the speaker, has one with her 3 other girlfriends. In that, all 4 friends jump into the couch covering them with only one blanket, with no phones in their hands and they just talk.


Of course, there can not be always fun talk, so this ritual time is your vacuum time and you fill it with taking out whatever there inside you.

Remember the old times, when we were kids? There were no mobile devices and handy gadgets, but there were these sit and chat rituals among our families and friends.

Yes, this simple and old school tip is the most effective way to get out of your lonely shackles because, when we feel alone, we strive for connection and most of the time we know, there is something wrong. Its is just we need something fun to look forward to and vacant ourselves in front of people, who won’t judge, at least you!


Doing something new is surely a healthy and stress kicking activity, but repeating a healthy habit will never let you get a feeling of insecurity and loss of connections, which gives birth to loneliness.   



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