Live in relationship is not illegal in India. However, it is a matter of disgust, according to some people in the society. Although, there are many cities like Delhi and Mumbai which are technically and financially advanced but they are backward if we look at them socially. However, these small villages of Rajasthan are way more advanced then Delhi or Mumbai.
Live In Relationship Is Fair Here

Yes! You have heard it right. There are few villages in the Udaipur district in Rajasthan where the live in relationship concept is not unfair. Most of the people in these villages belong to the “Garasiya” tribe. The tribe allows the people to live in relationship before getting married. Moreover, it is not a new tradition there, this concept is running from hundreds of years. The surprising fact is, girls are considered superior in the society.
Choosing The Partner

There is no concept of arrange marriage. In the tribe, they held a 2 days of “Dapa” custom A. K. A. “Dapa Pratha” where they choose their partners by themselves. There is no mental or physical pressure on anyone.

Although, the live in relationship is legal in the tribe but cheating is unfair without a doubt. Pursuing this further, the couples have to accept all the responsibilities. Moreover, they can have children before marriage.
Boy’s Family Give The Money

When the relation is accepted by both of the sides, the man’s side has to give money to the family of the girl. Moreover, they have to pay all the money that spends in the marriage.
Few Changes Had Been Made

In the beginning, it was a matter of trust as they used to accept partners by verbal promises. However, there are few changes have been made and they have to go through written work in order to accept the relationship.

There are many benefits of this concept. To illustrate, there the people have complete freedom. Moreover they have the opportunity to know about their partner deeply. Furthermore, there is freedom of ending the relation if it doesn’t work out well.
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