
Secret Behind The Planes Sink Inside Mysterious Marshall Island

Mysterious Marshall Island


Marshall Island is nowhere less than a mystery, many secrets are still Burry in this place. Once Brandi Muller went deep down in sea to click underwater pics and guess what she found? She found hundreds of the sunken planes. As she went near them to collect the pictures of the ruins she got surprised, she actually found many destroyed planes.

She along with her friends kept taking photos and one after another they kept discovering destroyed American planes. What surprised her that how can so many planes got crashed at the same place.

As she went ahead, she found all the planes belongs to American air force and none of them seems crashed. To discover the secret she went on clicking pictures.


Secret Behind The Sunken Planes In Mysterious Marshall Island

Mysterious Marshal island

What actually made these planes fell in this place is no mystery anymore. Muller Asked the Irish people about these planes and she even contacted to American Army. Military gave her very Little Information that these planes belong to World war 2.

After defeating Japan, American Airforce decided to destroy more than 150 fighter planes along with cargo planes. The reason was quite surprising that lake of parking land made it compulsory to destroy these planes. 


Brandi Muller

Mysterious Marshal island

Brandi Muller is a remarkable photographer and author of some recent photographs of submerged World War 2 planes. She brought this series of photographs to the world and lifted the curtains from the secret of these sunken planes which were submerged in the Pacific ocean in world war 2.


Let’s Take A Look On Some Pictures Of Those Planes Found Under Water

Mysterious Marshal island
Mysterious Marshal island
Mysterious Marshal island
Mysterious Marshall Island

So Muller didn’t just discover these ruined planes; but she also made the spectacular series of various pictures of the Sunken Planes of Marshall Island.

If you are photographer and love to explore than must go through the photographic journey of Romanian Photographer

Also, read- Mihaela Noroc photographic journey exploring women beauty across the world 
