
Which One is Celebrated with more Grandeur – Ganesh Chaturthi in Maharashtra or Durga Puja in WB?



It is a very difficult question to solve. Isn’t it? Let us first look at some statistics:



Ganesh ChaturthiRef:

During Durga Puja in West Bengal round about 10,000 pandals come up compared to 10,190 in Maharashtra during Ganesh Chaturthi.



Ganesh ChaturthiRef:

In West Bengal the number of Durga images prepared are 20,000 to 30,000, the number is more as there are some pujas performed in own houses. During Ganesh Chaturthi numbers of images are around 1, 91,000.

So, pandals and Images are more during Ganesh Chaturthi than during Durga Puja.

Does these statistics in any way make you comfortable to come to a conclusion? I think the answer is NO, it is confusing!

Now, what is grandeur? Is it the total number of participants or the cost involved?

Let us see these statistics:


Foot Fall

Ganesh ChaturthiRef:

The number of Foot fall during Ganesh Chaturthi is around 1,000 to 1.5 million a day compared to 200,000 to 300,000 a day in West Bengal during Durga Puja.




The approximate cost of Durga Puja is going to be Rs. 40,000 crores. Ganesh Chaturthi on the other hand has a Rs. 125 to Rs. 150 crores.

So, the foot fall is more during Durga Puja where as cost is more in Ganesh Chaturthi.

Again……… the same confusion!

Now let us come to a conclusion.

Grandeur is both the participation and the cost or something else. Obviously it is both.

Both are performed with grandeur and pomp, involving all and enjoyed.


Happy Ganesh Chaturthi.

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