
8 Crazy Mysteries About Universe Which Are Yet To Be Solved



Our scientists have discovered the universe from core to surface and from ages to the present, but some mysteries are yet to be unraveled. The universe keeps surprising us with some crazy ambiguities. Here, we bring you 10 such mysteries that will force you to think twice about the facts you’ve known till now! Read on to explore our universe more precisely.


1. The Earth Had Two Moons


Astronomers claim that Earth has two moons, or to be precise, two satellites, 4.6 million years ago. The second satellite revolved on the same orbit as of moon.


2. The Mantle Still Remains Unexplored


We all have been reading the three layers of the earth since ages which are the crust, mantle and the core. The mantle is believed to be semi-liquid, with the crust floating on the top. But, no one has ever been able to discover its actual constituents yet. The deepest mankind has ever dug into the earth is just 12.3 km, known as the Koala borehole in Russia.


3. Like Us, Time Also “Grows”


Some 620 Million years ago, a day on Earth constituted of 21.9 hours. The earth is eventually slowing down at a rate of 70 msec per 100 years.


4. The Poles Can Change


Though the last incident of this happening was about 10 million years ago, no one knows the reason behind it.


5. The Earth Spins Very Fast


The Earth spins at a speed of 1600 km/h. Though we can never feel the fast speed of the rotation, the variation in speeds can be sensed at some places.


6.The Strange Behaviour of Gravity


We know that Earth is geoid in shape, so the gravity is not uniform at all the places. One such abnormality is the Hudson Bay in Canada.


7. The Increasing Level of Pollution


Astronauts have claimed that the view of the earth has rapidly changed in the past few years. Instead of being green, blue and enriched, our planet looks grey, brown and dull.


8. Life On Mars


Life on Mars has been a topic of absolute research and interest. Some positive and encouraging signs have also been found regarding signs of life on Mars. Also, some scientists have claimed that Mars had life long before Earth did. Earth has also changed drastically in last 100 years. Check out here.

The universe has its own ways of surprising us from time to time!

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